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Whiskey Militia

Courtesy of Whiskey Militia
So I talked about a website that I've used on a recent post. On this site, Whiskey Militia, I was able to buy Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket Earphones, which are originally $70, for only $25 plus shipping. I've also been able to buy some clothes, which are usually in the $75-$100 range for around only $40-$50. It's definitely a great source to use to find great deals! Here's the way it works:
  • They have one sale at a time.
  • There is no set time limit for a sale.
  • If a product runs out (it displays how many are left), a new sale will begin immediately.
  • You can combine shipping.
    • Buy one item and keep it in your shopping cart for up to one week and have each additional item shipped for only 99¢.
There are so many good deals on this website! I've found so many things that I would have bought, if only I had the money for! I've seen a lot of different things on sale here: clothes (guys and girls), shoes, watches, sunglasses, snowboards (and accessories), and a lot more! This is definitely a site that will help you to save money on name brand things. But it's definitely not a website that nobody knows about. I've seen things go out of stocks within minutes of it being put up, while other things last the hours at a time. Here's a quote directly from their website:
We offer one ridiculously sweet product at a stupidly low price until it sells out. The first fresh-iest, hesh-iest deal drops each midnight and sells ‘til it’s gone. And it always sells fast. You'll whine like a little baby when you miss it. After that another steal drops and sells till it's gone, then another, and another, until we get bored and call it a day or until the next midnight arrives. - Whiskey Militia
So you have it directly form their website! They've always got the best deals and name brand products. So if you see something that you think to yourself, "OMG! I have to have it!", don't waste time looking at all of the unimportant stuff! Buy it before it sells out!


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