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Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket Earphones

So you bought a new iPhone, and you've got the standard iPhone earphones that comes with it. I don't know about you, but I wasn't really impressed with Apple's headphones. To me, the sound quality wasn't that great, and it started to hurt my ears after listening to music for a while. I wanted to get the most out of my music but these standard earphones weren't really working for me. After looking around for a while, I found these:
Courtesy of
Skullcandy's Full Metal Jacket Earbuds. Buying them from Skullcandy would have absolutely broke my bank, but luckily, I found a website called Whiskey Militia (which will have a review shortly!) where I was able to buy my earphones for only $25 plus shipping! These earphones are everything that I wanted my earphones to be! They provided rich sounds while being able to hear every part of the music. They were definitely more comfortable than Apple's cheap earphones, and even has a mic so that I can use it while on a call on my iPhone.
The quality of these earphones are so much more than Apple's. The sound that I got from these the first time I plugged them in was absolutely amazing! I was able to hear every part of the music clearly, with a deep, rich bass and clear vocals. Even when turning the volume up on these, the quality stays the same and seems like it would almost be impossible to ruin these by turning the music up too loud. Unlike any other earphones I've had, these are actually pretty comfortable! I could listen to music for hours without taking these out because of discomfort. They come with different sized earbuds to fit the size of your ear better. And another perk, these are even noise-canceling without having to destroy your eardrums with the loudness of your music.

Now that I've told you how amazing these are, lets get down to the only two things that I've found to be a down-side with these earphones.
  • Number One: after a bit of use, the mic seems to lose quality, and eventually, the mic on my pair of earphones stopped working all-together. Although the mic didn't work, I was still able to use the button on the earphones to control my iPod (pause, next, previous, ect.).
  • Number Two: if anything taps the wires, you can hear it no matter how loud your music is. For example, I tend to use my headphones when doing dishes, and when the wire taps against the counter, it's easy to tell that it just happened. Even just moving your fingers along the wire will create a sound that is impossible to hear and quite annoying when you're listening to music.
Like I said, those are the only two things that I've been able to find that I would consider a negative. I think that this product is definitely worth the money as it will last ages! I've already had mine over two years and they still work fine! When I still used Apple headphones, I was usually replacing them, about, every six months it seems like! But if you don't believe me, go look at some other reviews! If you have an experience with these, why don't you leave a comment and tell everybody how you feel about them?


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